Driving With A Suspended License

Driving With A Suspended License

There are numerous reasons why a driver's license may be suspended or revoked. In some cases the DMV will have taken administrative action based on a conviction of a certain types offense, or because his/her driving record reflects a significant amount of points in a certain period of time. Driving while one's license is suspended or revoked will result in an additional suspension and fines or jail time.

Driving With a Suspended or Revoked License Consequences:

  • A violation of this statute is a class 1 misdemeanor.
  • 6 demerit points on driving record (11 years) – The DMV will suspend a driver's license if he/she gathers more then 18 points over a 12 month period, or
  • 24 points over 24 months. § 46.2-506
  • Possibility of increase in insurance rate
  • Additional suspension
  • Possible fine

A Driving with a Suspended/Revoked License Conviction Could Potentially Result in the Following Costs:

  • A significant auto insurance increase for a 3-5 year period
  • $2,500 max fine (usually the fine is substantially less than the max)
  • $86 court costs (changes frequently)
  • $175 license reinstatement fee (changes frequently)
  • $220 restricted license fee (changes frequently) (if restricted license issued)
  • Possible impounding fees
  • If license suspended for failure to pay court costs, must pay off costs to restore license

There are Numerous Reasons Why Your License May be Suspended or Revoked. Some of These Reasons Include:

  • Failure to pay court costs, fines, restitution or other penalties imposed by the court (§ 46.2-395)
  • Failure to pay taxes to the Commonwealth of Virginia (§ 46.2-320)
  • Conviction of an alcohol or drug related offense such as DUI (§ 46.2-391)
  • Conviction of possession of marijuana (§46.2-390.1)
  • Conviction of reckless or aggressive driving (46.2-392)
  • Giving false information on an application for a drivers license or a permit (46.2-318)
  • Unpaid child support (§ 46.2-320.1)
  • Conviction of certain serious felony traffic related crimes such as failure to stop at an accident where the victim was injured or killed, and theft or unauthorized use of a motor vehicle (§ 46.2-389, 390)
  • There are numerous other provisions in the Code of Virginia that require the court to suspend or revoke your license.

If you have been charged with a Driving with a Suspended License or related crime call at 434-979-0308 or use the contact form

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I provide comprehensive criminal and traffic defense in Charlottesville and throughout central Virginia. In addition to criminal and traffic defense, I also offer legal services in Estate Planning, Real Estate Law, and Civil Litigation.

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